I have not posted anything on this site in quite a while. I could explain why, but that is another post altogether. Why am I posting today? The quick answer is I listened to Andy Crouch’s The Tech-Wise Family for the third time. The Tech-Wise Family, if you’ve never heard of it, is a book…
Category: Self-Development
Race Matters
Cornel West is one of the most charitable people when engaging in public arguments. I have watched him on Bill Maher’s HBO show on several occasions and I always appreciate his thoughts. Whether I agree with him or not, he adds to the conversation with well-constructed arguments. He adds to the conversation with fierce rebuttals….
Reclaiming Conversation
As I was listening to the end of the audiobook of The Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch, he mentioned that if there was one book that you should read after his, it would be Sherry Turkle’s Reclaiming Conversation. Since I enjoyed The Tech-Wise Family so much, I asked for Reclaiming Conversation for Christmas. I am…
Writers to Read
“A writer needs friends who simply benefit from knowing him, which is another way of saying that good writers need good readers. And just as writers need to work at it to write well, so also readers should work at it in order to be able to read well. My hope in this book of…
Humble Roots
Humble Roots came as a recommendation from @jenwilkin in my review of her book last month, and it did not disappoint! As my wife I am sure would tell you, I could always use a dose of humility. Humble Roots was more than just a book on humility though. It was a book on finding…
Many years ago, when I was an aspiring reader more than an actual reader, I picked up Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. I attempted, but for whatever reason, I failed to finish. I have always remembered it positively though. Recently, it was recommended by a friend, so I decided that it was time that I finished…
The Big Disconnect
Several months ago, I listened to an audiobook called the Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch, which convinced me to change the way I allowed technology to dictate my life. In that book, he recommended reading/listening to The Big Disconnect by Catherine Steiner-Adair and Teresa Barker. The book had high reviews, so I decided to give…
Smarter Faster Better
I am sure I am not the only person who would like to do more with his/her time. It is important to take the time we have and use it well. This was my mindset as I read Smarter Faster Better by Charles Duhigg. Duhigg engages eight topics of productivity: motivation, teams, focus, goal-setting, managing…
The Power of Habit
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg was a pleasant surprise! My wife bought this book to read for work and I hijacked it. It was an easy read, but hugely informative. Duhigg put all of the information in storytelling, which totally captured my interest and focus. He also put the idea of habit and…